A change in the world energy solution is fast underway; we are at the beginning of a world wide shift towards an electrified future, and battery storage will be an essential part of future electricity systems.  At AOS Energy, we see a future where individuals and businesses will be using, generating and storing their own electricity; and buying and selling from each other to manage demands on the grid collectively through smart grid technology.

The key technologies required to make this happen –  electric vehicles, solar panels and battery storage – already exist and are reducing in cost dramatically. 

Battery storage offers households and businesses a great opportunity.  A solar panel battery system makes you more self-sufficient, helps speed the transition to renewables, and can reward you for helping to reduce the worlds carbon footprint. 


Many families who are out at work and school during the day don’t get to use the energy their solar PV systems produce at peak times. A solar battery system will store the energy produced during the day when you’re out of the home, so that you can use it when the family returns in the evening, after the sun sets and the PV system stops generating power. This can dramatically increase the percentage of solar electricity that gets consumed within the home, making you more self-sufficient and reducing your electricity bills even further. 


Power your EV with sunshine

Solar batteries also play a role if you want to power your electrical vehicle on sunshine. If you’re out at work in the day, a home battery will store electricity for you which can then be transferred to your car battery when you arrive home and plug in.  That way you get zero-carbon transport as well as powering your home.


Leverage the Night Saver tariff

A battery storage system is lined up to enable homeowners to leverage the new tariffs available with ESB’s new smart meters, without the need for Solar PV. Currently in Ireland a day/night tariff is available, which gives you cheaper electricity at night - currently 9.15 cent in comparison to the 18.52 cent during the day. This allows you to charge your battery with cheap electricity at night to be used throughout the day. 

These are just some of the great ways a solar battery system can lower your electricity bills. Get in touch and one of our smart battery experts will discuss the options most suited to your home and lifestyle. 


AOS Energy are the registered domestic installer for Aton storage systems. Founded in 2014 in Italy, ATON Storage has quickly established itself as a market leader in the engineering and production of storage systems for PV systems. Their world-class systems ensure optimal performance, delivering  a reliable, durable and efficient product that stands apart from anything else available on the Irish market, and we’re proud to be working alongside them to bring this incredible system to the island of Ireland.


ATON Active Monitoring

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